Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Rumors Paper

  Rumors can be very hurtful to people.  They can fabricate an image of a person who maybe did not do what society calls the “right thing.” Rumors are said to be understood by “Having expressions of our collective fears, hopes, and attitudes about the community and the world we live in” (Behrens 478).  Rumors might start out somewhat true and end up completely false the next.  However, when people are telling rumors they might add extra details to make the story more dramatic for the listener.  Rumors can also proliferate when it is of interest to a group of people to make others think that everyone is talking that certain way.

  An example of a recent rumor is about a senior named Jacob Shoemaker, from Hilliard Davidson High School who got in trouble for not following directions.  His school was participating in national walkout day for people who were for gun control.  The students could either walkout or go to study hall instead.  He didn’t want to do either one because he felt like that meant he was picking a side so he just stayed in the classroom till the walkout was over.  However, come to find out he got suspended for not following directions (Snopes 2018). This rumor is hurtful because he was not going to participate in something he did not feel was right.  The rumor had some truth to it, “It was true that Jacob was suspended after he remained in a classroom while his classmates took part in the protest.  The part that was false was, “Jacob did get suspended for not going to study hall as directed, not for refusing to take part in the protest” (Snopes 2018).   

  This rumor is considered hurtful because Jacob was getting punished for something he did not feel comfortable participating in.  A psychologist named Robert H. Knapp came up with the three basic characteristics of rumors that are all based on emotions (497).  In this particular rumor shared using Knapp’s classifications this rumor would be called a, “Wedge-driving aggression rumor which means of hatred or aggression” (496).  Within this rumor it seems that the Wedge-diving aggression fits best.  It seemed like he was being targeted for not believing in what the other students and people were for.  Therefore, they suspended him out of hatred and aggression for his actions.  It seems this way because he didn’t want to follow the rest of his classmates in the walkout.  This rumor can become disasterous to the student because of how they responded to the actions of not participating.

  People want to have a voice and freely express how they feel.  However, if punishment is the result of standing up for what they believe in that would make many people reluctant in saying anything at all.  That right there seems disaterous in itself.  People want to have that “stand up guy” to ultimately take a stand for what a group of people believe in so they can follow and become that person’ supporters. At the end of the day it’s all in how a situation is handled.

  Knapp not only came up with the classification of rumors but, also came up with the qualities of a good rumor (497).  The first quality is it, is good to have a short and simple story just like the example, just the title alone gives the main point of the rumor (Knapp 497).  The second quality makes for a good story and it fits on the actions that are happening today (Knapp 497).  The third quality is Easily disorted because the student didn’t get suspended for refusing to protest (Knapp 498).  The fourth quality is the names, numbers, and places. The name of the student was Jacob Shoemaker there were no numbers because there was no reason for numbers and took place at Hilliard High School (Knapp 498).  The fifth quality was high authoritative source the rumor is both important and accurate to what really happened to Jacob (Knapp 498).  The sixth quality is, “harmony with cultural traditions of a group in which they circulate in this rumor people from all over the states would know about this rumor but not the truth to it (Knapp 498).  The last quality is, “It adapts to the immediate and traditional circumstances of a group that it must ride the tide of current events in public opinions and interests" (Knapp 498). 

  The rumor encourages “shared human sense making” for people who get upset and feel hatred when they don’t get their way, as a result wanting others to be punished for not agreeing with their personal thinking processes.

  Therefore, standing up for what you believe in is a very brave thing to do.  Though some might applaud him for taking action others will be very aggressive towards what they believe is wrong.  For Jacob not knowing what the right thing to do in the situation he was given ended up getting in trouble anyways. This rumor fits all the qualities of a good rumor in Knapps outline and is considered a “Wedge-driving aggression rumor” in Knapps classification of rumors.  The outcome could have been handled not as harsh as they were leading on with suspension. Sometimes being strong in what you believe in and standing up for what is right does make for a strong leader even though Jacob got suspended he definitely is leader material.


  1. This is so interesting! It's ridiculous that they would punish him for demonstrating his beliefs even though everyone else was given the opportunity to demonstrate theirs. I really like the flow in your writing and found myself being sucked in while reading. You definitely know how to grab your audience. I also like how you explained knapp's classifications of rumor and qualities of a good rumor by introducing him before talking about them, instead of just stating the classifications and qualities and only sharing that these were his ideas in the citations. That's a mistake I made. You did a really good job!

  2. I agree with you rumors can be very hurtful to people. I have heard many rumors going around but i never heard the same story twice. It was always different. I honestly don't think people should be forced to do something they don't want to do. Everyone should have a say and their own opinions. The rumor made him look like the bad guy for not going to the protest. It made him seem like he wasn't for gun control. He shouldn't have been punished like he was because gun control could have been against his beliefs. He even said it made him uncomfortable. I know the rumor had to of hurt his feelings.



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